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Amarillo prepares for next round of severe winter weather

The City of Amarillo, in collaboration with the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM), is bracing for severe winter weather as below-freezing temperatures are forecasted to persist over the next several days. Preparations are underway to ensure safety and minimize disruptions caused by snow and icy conditions.

City of Amarillo Steps Up Preparations

Alan Harder, Public Works Director for the City of Amarillo, emphasized the extensive measures the city's street division has undertaken over the past week to prepare for winter weather.

“Our team has focused on maintenance and repairs for essential equipment, including sand spreaders, motor graders, front-end loaders, and backhoe trucks,” Harder shared. Additionally, the city has received shipments of sand and salt, which are being mixed into the blend used to treat roads during snow events.

When snowfall begins, Harder explained, crews will immediately start applying the sand-salt mixture to roads and plowing areas with snow drifts.

“We address drifts first, continue applying salt and sand throughout the storm, and then rely on warmer temperatures and sunlight to assist with snowmelt,” Harder said. “Once the snow begins to clear, our trucks shift focus to removing slush and ice from curbs and gutters, ensuring melted snow can properly drain into our storm drain system.”

Texas Division of Emergency Management Mobilizes Resources

At the state level, TDEM is actively coordinating with local officials to ensure readiness. Seth Christensen, Chief of Media, Communications, and Preparedness for TDEM, outlined the agency’s proactive approach, which includes holding winter weather response calls and mobilizing resources.

“Our number one priority is to ensure that local first responders have the resources they need,” Christensen said. “We will continue to support them until this weather event moves out of our state.”

Christensen also highlighted efforts by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to treat roads across the state, from the Panhandle to the Coastal Plains. He urged Texans to drive cautiously and give road crews ample space to work.

“We had too many accidents during the last winter weather event,” Christensen said. “Please ensure workers have the room they need to safely treat roadways and clear snow.”

Assistance and Resources for Texans

To help Texans stay safe during the cold snap, TDEM has several resources available:

Warming Stations: Residents can locate nearby warming stations by using the warming map on the TDEM website, updated with information provided by local officials.

Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR): Individuals requiring additional support due to disabilities, transportation needs, or personal care assistance are encouraged to register in this database.

The information enables first responders to prioritize assistance for those with functional needs during emergencies.

Call for Preparedness

TDEM’s message to Texans is clear: prepare now. Christensen urged residents to take steps to ensure the safety of their families, friends, and pets during the freezing weather.

“Make sure you’re stocked up on essentials, have a plan for keeping warm, and check on vulnerable neighbors,” Christensen said.

A Unified Response

The Texas Emergency Management Council, comprising 39 state agencies and volunteer organizations, is poised to provide additional support as needed. Both state and local officials emphasize the importance of vigilance and cooperation during this weather event to ensure the safety and well-being of all Texans.

For up-to-date information and resources, visit the TDEM website and follow local emergency management updates. Stay safe, Amarillo!

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