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City of Amarillo confirms Sanctuary City for the Unborn petition valid

Officials with the City of Amarillo (COA) announced today the petition for a proposed Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance is valid. The petition was provided to the city secretary by a committee of registered voters. 

The completed petition, including signatures accompanied by Affidavits of Circulator, underwent verification by the COA Secretary’s Office. 

“That is determined based on the number of registered voters; it’s 5% of our registered voters. In this case that calculation was 4,888 names needed to be valid. They submitted around 10,300 and we were able to validate 6,300 of those,” said Stephanie Coggins, city secretary for the City of Amarillo.

Per the city charter, the petition will be presented to city council at its regularly scheduled meeting on May 28. The city council may hold a public meeting to consider the proposed ordinance on May 28 or schedule a future date for a public hearing to consider the ordinance. 

The city council must take final action on the petition no later than 30 days from May 28. 

 Watch the full news conference below:
COA has a video detailing the initiative and referendum petition process for city ordinances:

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